Exposad Fairs
Creating an adaptive design and landing page for the largest exhibition fairs "Дача. Сад. Огород" in the eastern region of Ukraine. Optimize the loading and operation of the site.
Create a website to inform about upcoming exhibitions, attract new exhibitors and advertisements, as well as to pre-record events. The customer needs to work with the client base and constantly update information on the website.
The exhibitions are slightly different from each other in terms of participants and dates, and may also be of different directions. If changes occur, this should be notified to visitors on the site. Not all residents of Kharkov know about Exposad exhibitions, so you need to include information about events.

Our solution
The main goal of the Customer is to inform about upcoming exhibitions and attract visitors, so the first screen shows the date of the next exhibition and a description of the fair.
Events are arranged in chronological order and the nearest event is automatically displayed at the top of the site with all details.
Since registration is open for Exposad fair participants and visitors, registration for events is divided.
For the convenience of visitors and support of the current client base, pop-up windows have been created with the possibility of Nost subscribe to the newsletter by Email.
At the time of the creation of the site, the simplest and most recognizable solution was Google’s Material Design, which was used on the site. Rounded forms add friendliness and simplicity to the site.
The color scheme is selected in green, vibrant , colors that are associated with nature and life. The color scheme uses colors 60-30-10, using shades of green and white. The site uses animations to scroll through the page, which adds interactiveness and maintains the visitor's interest in the site.
The font on the site is selected in bold to be contrasted understandable to the target audience. For ease of reading, the font was chosen without sans serif and its size was slightly increased throughout the site.
Rubik, sans serif The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.Integrated services
The site has its own Control Panel, where you can edit not only general information, but also add photos, news and exhibitions to the site.
The customer was able to independently manage the site thanks to a clear interface, to collect customer base and conduct advertising activities.
For instant communication with the client, a vibe bot was developed for notifications about events on the site, so the customer has quick contact with his clients and is always up to date with the events.
To track performance and advertising companies and site statistics were connected to Google Analytics and Search Console. The site also has links to social networks and additional markup for a beautiful display in the social networks, instant messengers and search, which gives customers more to the site.

Adaptation & optimization
Most users access sites from mobile devices, so a special version of the site was developed specifically for them with a sticky menu at the top of the screen, making it easy to navigate the site.
The server and the site itself were configured and optimized according to the advice of Google for developers, which gave the Customer an advantage over competitors in download speed and ease of use.
For the convenience of the Customer, the Site Control Panel has also been adapted so that it can be added anytime, anywhere changes to the site. The site is supported by most browsers and devices, which will positively impact on the audience reach of the various segments of the population.

As a result of the work of our team, the Customer received an adaptive, modern landing page that contains basic information about exhibitions and fairs, both current and future. The visitor gets an idea of what the exhibition " Exposad " is, when and how it takes place .
The customer was able to advertise his exhibitions, replenish the customer base and gained the confidence of visitors, as he has a modern and beautiful website, which positively affects the reach and brand.
In case necessary, the customer can add cheaply and quickly but all the opportunities on the site, as it is developed on an add-on platform. Site maintenance does not require special skills and can be maintained by the Customer independently.