Frequently asked questions
We care about your time. Find the most asked questions and answers here. You can always write to us and get consultation in one business day.
How long have you been working?
We started this business and actually opened in 2014, however, our total experience originates even earlier, which covers our relatively recent start of work in the Digital services market.
It’s hard for me to pay the full price right away, what should I do?
You can apply for installments up to 9 months. We treat our customers with the utmost understanding and try to provide the most favorable and loyal conditions for cooperation with us.
Do you provide any guarantees for the creation of sites?
The web projects developed by us are on free warranty support for six months, during this period any malfunctions are eliminated, and minor changes are made without additional charges. Longer site support is negotiated separately.
Someone promised to make my project much cheaper, why do you have such a price?
Our price is lower than that of many of our competitors, but higher than that of freelancers. We do not have hidden margins, and the formation of our price is absolutely transparent for each of our customers. In the desire to save the budget as much as possible, you can not think about the quality of the work. The experience of our clients, who turned to us for processing of their existing projects, shows that saving on developing serious projects is not the best idea, because saving leads subsequently to serious costs for correcting shortcomings from previous artists, which they did poorly, but cheaper. You don’t want to answer the question “Do you have a website?” To say “No” if you have one?
What is hosting and domain?
We will not load you with complex terms and definitions. Hosting is where the site itself is located, and a domain is a word or a set of letters (yoursite.com) by which your site is found.
I already have a hosting/domain, do I need to buy a new one?
No, in this case, to transfer or install the site, we will need access to existing hosting or domain panels.
If I need help after you complete the work, can I count on it?
Yes of course, any advice on the work done for our customers is absolutely free. The number of requests is unlimited, however, should be within reason.
I need to train staff to work with the site, what should I do?
After working on the project, the customer has the right to ask for instructions on working with the site, or one full-time (online) training. All incomprehensible points will be explained.
Will my site be in a search engine?
After creating and launching a site for release, it takes time for search bots to add it to their systems. After that, the site will be discoverable by search engines. In order for the site to be displayed on the first page of the search engine, it is necessary to carry out SEO work, which is a separate service.
How long does it take to develop a web project?
The timing of implementation depends on the complexity of the project, the simplest option is from 1 day.
I have my own website design layout, can we use it?
Yes we can. If the layout is made professionally and in accordance with all the standard requirements for designers, then we will easily take your design to work.
Why is it more profitable to order a design from us than to buy a ready-made template?
Firstly, you get a modern design that will be relevant for several more years. Secondly, we create a selling website design based on the features and needs of your target audience, which means that the likelihood that your potential client “hangs” on your site increases due to attracting attention to the non-standard presentation of information.
Can I observe the work process?
Yes, upon request, our manager will provide you with a brief report on the current development status. If the development phase allows, then you will be given access to a closed space where you can visually observe the changes.
Why is it more profitable to work with you than to hire a contractor from the outside?
Because a number of specialists will work on your project, each of them has their own task, whether it be design or website creation, writing texts or promotion. One contractor will not be able to complete all the tasks, hiring several contractors can lead to serious financial costs, to problems in coordination of work, failure to meet deadlines and scruffy nerves. Working with us, you will protect yourself from such negative aspects.
Under what contract our collaboration is possible?
We provide a cooperation agreement for private entrepreneurs and LLC, with the possibility of adding additions to it for improvements for unlimited cooperation. Also ready to work on your contract.
Do you offer discounts?
No, the discount, in our understanding, is a reduction not only in price, but also in quality, cooperation motivation. We design your project in such a way that the profit will still exceed all costs at cost. We do not overstate prices and designate them as they really are.
What do you need to provide when creating a site?
All the materials you have. It can be logos, text on the website, company images. If you have not done any work on your project, we create everything from scratch and provide you in full at the end of the work.
What platform do you use for project development?
The choice of the optimal platform depends on the final goals and objectives of the project. For non-standard and complex projects, we use self-written solutions (based on Laravel). One way or another, we will definitely hold a briefing with you to clarify the details of your project, based on the answers we can determine the complexity of your project and offer the most optimal options for its implementation.