Creation Club
Design & Landing page for the Creation Club team. They specialize on training, coaching and neuro coaching, personal growth, NLP.
Creating a landing page for training on Personal Development. You must provide basic information about the programs, speakers and the club itself. Introduce the person to the club’s activities, leave feedback and training entries.
Edit information on the page yourself, add and edit speakers / trainings.
It must be borne in mind that the trainings are held in different places and there may be a discount on them. Need fast page loading, especially on mobile devices, despite the large amount of information on the page.

Our solution
It was decided to make a menu fixed at the top of the page to quickly jump to the main sections of the page. Submit all textual information with icons, for clarity and better perception of ifnomation.
Trainings are submitted as separate events with a description and picture, a large calendar with the date, cost, countdown timer, speakers and a large button "Sign up ".
Speakers are displayed with a photo, description of achievements and links to social. networks for greater customer confidence.
Starting with the logo, all site elements have rounded or round shapes. Such forms cause friendliness, gentleness and disposition, they are nice to watch. The circles represent unity and softness, which gives the design a positive mood and unobtrusiveness.
The color scheme is selected based on the logo according to the scheme 60-30-10. The main color is white, it is on the page most of all, the secondary color is the shade of black and the accent color is yellow. To emphasize elegance, a thin sans-serif font was chosen, which allows you to quickly read text.
Open Sans, sans serif The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.Integrated services
For editing information on the site, the Administrator’s office was added with an intuitive interface. To get started, you do not need special training.
In it you can change both information about the site, and fill out speakers, courses, a photo gallery, change links to social services. networks and contacts.
The site is connected to Google Analytics and Search Console to optimize performance and collect statistics. Used by CRM Bitrix24 to automate customer service.

Adaptation & optimization
The site is optimized for mobile devices and tablets, it is displayed equally clearly on all screens. Additional animations have been added for the mobile version.
The site automatically generates code for search engines (schema), which gives additional results when searching. Thanks to working with the server and source codes, the site loads quickly, without losing the quality of the images and displaying all the elements as intended by the Customer.

As a result, a platform was created for advertising ongoing events with the ability to sign up for it. Trainings are displayed in chronological order and disappear on their own after the training has passed.
The customer has the opportunity to constantly keep the site up to date, collecting statistics and managing the client base.